Measurement of the vibroacoustic indicators of sandwich-composite structures
1 : Université de Sherbrooke
GAUS, U. of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 -
2 : Bombardier Aerospace
* : Corresponding author
Bombardier Aerospace, Toronto (On) M3K 1Y5 -
This paper discusses the measurement of the vibroacoustics indicators of two sandwich-composite structures over a large frequency band. Several indicators are investigated including the structural wavenumber, modal density, damping loss factor, radiation efficiency, and sound transmission loss. For the first four indicators several direct and indirect measurements techniques are presented and compared. Moreover, the measured indicators are compared to analytical (general laminate model, equivalent orthotropic panel) or numerical predictions (Finite element, Statistical Energy Analysis). Results show that all measured indicators are in good agreement with theory for the studied constructions.